
Are we a good fit?

Let's find out!

A good book is like a Conversation

A book lets you dive deep into an author’s thoughts and ideas. Sometimes, you need to read an entire book to just take away one powerful idea. Other times, the entire book resonates. What matters is how you use, combine, and share these ideas, enriching your discussions and knowledge. Unfortunately,

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Key soft-skills for your sales success

In 2020, LinkedIn, a pivotal reference in the realms of recruitment and business, released a study uncovering that creativity stood out as one of the most coveted qualities in new employee recruitment. In 2024, LinkedIn once again highlighted key skills based on job offers published on this network. Today, communication,

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Feminine Resilience

Reinventing One’s Path: How a pair of Louboutins has become the symbol resilience and inner freedom The pair of Louboutins in the photo symbolizes the remnant of an impulsive purchase, born from the frustration of professional irritation. Evoking vividly the person who was the source of my frustration, they have

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A Symphony of Change and the Power of Versatility

When the long-overdue project was finally put to a vote, I could almost hear the heavy stone dropping from my heart. We had needed this so much and so urgently, and now I could address it with my sense of urgency. Finally! Considering the potential conflict of interest, I had

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The dawn of a personal and professional metamorphosis

That is a moment in my life that will remain etched in my memory. It was a late evening, and I found myself in my tiny home office. Simba, my faithful companion, lay beside my keyboard as I diligently worked on our annual presentation and market recap. I cherished my

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Once upon a time …

Once upon a time, in the industrial south of Luxembourg, there lived a spirited young girl. She came from a hard-working, down-to-earth family, where her parents, while juggling the demands of life, instilled values of rigour and discipline.  Her heart found its greatest joy in the company of her loyal

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