Blog,  re[Naissance]

Thriving in the storm

“This will never be beautiful.” “This is too difficult.” “People won’t understand it.” “You can’t possibly open a store with so few items.”

I’ve heard it all—and more. I remember each comment vividly, and the voices behind them still echo in my mind.

I won’t pretend those words didn’t affect me.

They stung, they created doubt, and led to countless sleepless nights. Let’s be honest, sleepless nights are part of the journey of an entrepreneur—especially when you’re building something new from scratch.

But after every long night, after each wave of uncertainty, I got up, adjusted my crown, covered the dark circles beneath my eyes, and smiled. Because despite the fear, I knew deep down that the path I’d chosen was right.

In these three years of entrepreneurship, after leaving a secure and fulfilling career as an economist and Wealth Manager with a company I continue to value deeply, I’ve learned a vital lesson: entrepreneurship is all about resilience.

Resilience, combined with an unwavering positive attitude and strong values, is the bedrock of my journey, no matter how hard the winds blows. My unwavering optimism quieted the fears that could have stopped me. These traits carry more weight than technical knowledge, which comes with education and experience. What keeps me moving isn’t the how, but the why.

Every so often, I step back and look at the business I’ve built with a sense of awe. Did I really create this? How did I manage to get here? If I’m honest, there are moments where I wonder if I would have dared to leap had I known the scale of challenges ahead. And today, I help others to do the same.

Of course, I made mistakes—each one a valuable lesson. Today, I help others to sidestep the pitfalls I faced, whether through workshops or personalized [re]-Naissance coaching sessions, combined or not with a complete relooking with renowned experts. My passion is to empower, motivate and uplift people.

The client journey … driven by purposeful employees.

Throughout my 34 years of experience, nothing has been more important to me than ensuring client happiness. Today, I also see that the happiness of my employees is the key to achieving this goal. In my own workplace, such as my workshops and coaching sessions I teach the value of a positive mindset and resilience, helping people align their dreams with the realities and challenges of today.As a coach, trainer, and member of the curriculum team for the sales profession at the Chambre des Salariés, I’m committed to showing how rewarding and complete a professional life can be.

As I often tell my clients, success is not just about reaching a destination—it’s about thriving in the journey, no matter how stormy the weather gets. And as Tony Gaskins said, “If you don’t build your dream, someone will hire you to help build theirs.”

If the dream you’re chasing doesn’t align with your true purpose, you risk wasting your most valuable resources—your time, talents, and energy. If you choose not to take steps toward change, you forfeit your right to complain about your current situation.

So embrace the the opportunity to take steps toward change and take ownership of your situation and your dreams. You don’t have to do it alone. Reach out, and let’s see if we’re a good match to walk part of this path together.

But before anything else, I invite you to visit my first project: maison ALBUM !

Nathalie MEIER